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theguardian: Trouble in cyclists’ paradise: Amsterdam accused of favouring pedestrians

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Dutch cycling union claims city has turned on them by making centre more difficult to navigate
theguardian: Trouble in cyclists’ paradise: Amsterdam accused of favouring pedestrians
Its reputation is that of an idyll for cyclists, a city freed from the torment of cars. But while Amsterdam remains a model to most of the world, there are signs of trouble in paradise.
A series of developments have led the Amsterdam branch of the Fietsersbond, the Dutch cyclists’ union, to claim the municipality has turned on them, unfairly prioritising pedestrians in the city’s historic centre.
Where once the cyclist was king, free to weave around the small roads of the centrum with abandon, it is claimed there has been a discernible change of attitude. At best cyclists are being treated as “guests” in the heart of the city, at worst as intruders to be expelled to outer lanes, it is suggested.
theguardian: Trouble in cyclists’ paradise: Amsterdam accused of favouring pedestrians

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עיריית תל אביב, גופים עירוניים, עמותות ומלכ"רים והמחדל של הדו גלגלי בלי דין וחשבון עשו יד 1 נגד התושבים ותראו מה רשום ב pdf הבא. לא מספיק העמותות מחליטות בשבילכם/ן שהם/ן לא הרוב, אבל עכשיו נותנים להם/ן עוד מתנות על חשבון הציבור.

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